Orders are taken daily but due to the time taken for the production process
(and the pride we take in our work) it is advisable to order a week before you
require the salmon. This way you will be getting the freshest and tastiest smoked
salmon possible.
Order Online .. browse &
Orders can be placed by credit card using our secure online service. Just select
the products you wish to order from the Products
Page and they will be added to your shopping cart. When you have finished
shopping just proceed to the checkout and fill out the details requested.
Mail Order
You can also use the shopping cart as a mail order form which you can print out
and send to us. Just select the products you wish to order from the Products
Page and they will be added to your cart. When you have finished shopping
just print out the shopping cart page and send it to:
Uig Lodge Smoked Salmon
Uig Lodge
Isle of Lewis
(make cheques payable to "Uig Lodge Farm")
By Phone
Just ring us to order our products by credit card:
01851 672 396
Customer Testimonials
"The smoked salmon arrived on time and was delicious." ... LONDON
"Splendid smoked salmon with rich flavour and taste." ... JAPAN
... read more testimonials
We are sure you will be delighted with our smoked salmon, treated in the old
fashioned traditional way here in the far West of the Hebrides in true Hebridean
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